Student learning performance and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in air- conditioned university teaching rooms
Student learning performance and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in air- conditioned university teaching rooms
Level(s) – A common EU framework of core sustainability indicators for office and residential buildings
Introduction of the olf and the decipol Units to Quantify Air Pollution Perceived by Humans Indoors and Outdoors
Possible guidelines to support the implementation of the EPBD indoor Environnemental quality provisions
Definición de los indicadores de calidad de los ambientes interiores seleccionados en el método ARCAS
Qualité de l’air intérieur et ventilation des bâtiments : une exigence incontournable! L’évolution historique des exigences de QAI
Assessment of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in offices and hotels undergoing deep energy renovation – The ALDREN Method
Alliance for deep renovation in buildings. A step forward to the common european voluntary certification scheme.
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Cercle de Réflexion sur la Qualité de l'Air